KraanWintrupAndy NoggerLiveLet it outWiederhörenFlydayTourneeNachtfart2 SchallplattenKraan XLive 88Dancing in the shadeSoul of stoneFamous yearsLive 2001Berliner ringThroughThrough dts

Order the dts-version of Through here Bass Cuts This website is about the German rock/jazz/fusion band KRAAN.

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  • 01. December

    • This years Christmaspresent for the Kraanickels: Prima Klima, a live recording from 1975 with both Ingo Bishof & Johannes Pappert !
      Breathe and go to the mp3 page - Remember, dont listen online (our bandwidth!), just download the file.

    • Here they are: Here Kraan & Hattler concerts in 2005

    • WolbrandtHATTLER news: Teil 2 des HATTLER Live-Mitschnitts aus Hamburg läuft in der Nacht von Dienstag, 07.12. auf Mittwoch, den 08.12. (also am 08.12. ganz früh von 01h05 bis 02h00) auf NDRinfo. Ein Best-Of-Zusammenschnitt beider Teile läuft am 31.01.2005 auf NDR2.

    • Great photos: KRAAN Live im Sudhaus Tübingen - 13. Mai 2004

    • Hattler in Hamburg:

    • - and then go to 'Archiv' and then 'Konzertbilder'.

    • The German magazine Gitarre & Bass has some very relevant articles for download for this site's readers - but they are not free, so I will be a decent & boring fellow and not put them online. search for Kraan or Hattler.

    • Hattler is mentioned - go and vote!

    • A Heartware file has been moved back in place on the server and has a permanet link on the mp3 page.

    • Hattler in b&w.

    • KRAAN's Jan Fride is not just a great drummer - he created five (of 13) visuals for an upcoming HATTLER DVD (containing surround and stereo mixes combined with visuals. The tracklist: Like "SURROUND CUTS" plus a bonus version of "To Bed").

    • Photos of Hellmut & Kraan, Leverkusen 2003 by Matthias Sierke Photos - zeroes-bottom

    • Here is a guy that compares Kraan with the islandic band Thursaflokkur (þursaflokkur) .
      Read more about the band here: - And yes, they are good, although I would probably rather compare them to Gentle Giant or Area !
      For those who would like to buy albums with Thursaflokkur, they are all available here: search for þursaflokkur (the correct spelling) in the form to the left saying: leitarorð.
      These 2 are the essentials: 'Hinn Íslenski Þursaflokkur' and 'Þursabit' . This is the live album: 'Á hljómleikum', and this is their last and more minimalistic album: 'Gæti eins verið' .

    • This december update has space invaders, and possibly a new one for each time you pass by (or reload). These buggers will be eliminated by New year.

  • 26. august
    • IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The Vlotho festival 28-08-2004 is not going to take place this weekend, as the whole area is flooded (or mudded).
      Read more:

    • 55 Minuten Kraan in concert im Deutschlandfunk am Freitag 03. September 2004 21:05
      live Rock Live Wintruper Echo - ein Konzert mit Kraan Aufnahme
      vom 14.11.03 bei den 24. Leverkusener Jazztagen

  • 20. August
    • More KRAAN Zappanale pics online :

    • From Tussaud's or the planet Kraan...?  - Kraan as seen by ]{AULDRON'S graphics.

    • Hannen alt festival 74The secret Kraan-money that were the only legal currency at Wintrup. Here a 10 Hattler token piece ~1,23 Euro or 4 Reefers.
      The Wolbrandt notes with great artistic watermarks are definitely more rare.
      Right: Plastic Token - Hattler Bros. Measures approximately 25mm in diameter
      One was on sale here:

  • 1. August
    • Kraan at Bad Doberan 24.07.04 was filmed and recorded, so a DVD will very probably be the result. Fred, Chrille & Rainer Valeske are the responsible. Is said to be have been streamed here while I was on vacation, I can't see it now, but some did (Guestbook).

    • "Hattler ist a sort of institution - Germany's most profiled bassplayer is on the scene for many decades and still good for exploring new and daring musical directions. Kraan, Tab Two, Hattler (the band) - three projects connected to this great musician with his uncomparable distinct style and sound. "
      Interview in German at

    • Kraan at Bad Doberan review:

    • - something about Kraan in Italian

  • 7. July
  • 12. May
    • The 'solos & works' pdf-document has been updated by Detlef Weber. It's an overview of what all members of Kraan through the time has been up to.
      Do you need Acrobat Reader to view pdf-documents? It's free: Get version 6.0 here

    • The Wiederhören pressrelease from 1977.

    • All lyrics for Kraan X is ready now. Lyrics. Fred Bauer (who else) & Daniel Svita have worked on this.

    • The article in the May issue of Eclipsed ( - 4,50 €) , is reported to be rather small, nothing new or original, and unfortunately with errors. ("...THROUGH was recorded at Wintrup Court Studios.....") and the list of all official records lacks "X" & "Famous Years".
      - But since is mentioned also, there should be a chance for those interested to be fully enlightened (or totally confused).

    • A krautrock page: Good overview page for many German bands (big page loads slowly). A book with more info can be ordered.
      But the author stopped tracking Kraan in 89, and preferred albums before 'Let it out' .
      BTW: Was Kraan ever Krautrock ? What is Krautrock ? Does Krautrock have to be German ? We will never know for sure.

  • 18. April
    • The new Hattler album " BASS CUTS" should be out april 19, 2004 - tomorrow ! (bassball/edel) - More info here

    • The next issue of the musicmagazine Eclipse (May issue) will have a large article about Kraan.

    • Another Emi promophoto from the release of Flyday (1978).

    • Believe it or not - even after numerous dissections with a magnifyingglass (!) there still pops 'new forgotten' concerts up on the TATKGL. The latest arrival is from 13.02.72 in München.
      Lots of gigs added to the Bassball/Heartware list too. Sisyphus knows what we are dealing with here.

    • A more comprehensive list of known Kraan boots with short descriptions is online with this update. Due to all the data its a bit wider than the other webpages. Fred Bauer is keeping the info together, so if anyone has a recording with Peter & Hellmut grooving along on Ukulele and Banjo , then email Fred. Eventually download as PDF

    • Another systematic approach to the musicians of Kraan has been made by Detlef Weber to the Solo's & Works page. The document is summarizing what the members of Kraan has been up to in other music-connections (mainly German). Probably a better overview than the present solo's works page Get it as a pdf document here

    • A graphic related to the release of the classic and masterpiece Flyday (Photos / Mid / Late seventies (74 - 79) - bottom).

    • A ticket from 2001 (photos / zeroes - bottom) - remember to check out The Kraan concertticket-museum: it grows constantly.

    • Photo and a personal comment on Kraan's performance at Nearfest 2003:
      Quote:"Kraan was the 'fun' prog band. They had a great rapport with the audience,
      played a funky brand of mostly instrumental fusion tinged progressive, and
      were very...'cool.' "

    • Announcement of a Kraan gig 13.05:

  • 4. April
    Webmasters new computer is up & running. But among other things, I lost all emailaddresses so please write me ...

    • The List of coming Kraan & Hattler concerts is updated.

    • A poster from German westcoast festival 1976
      Lots of great bands, but naturally, Kraan as the topname...

    • Another poster from Roskilde festival 1975. - To find the letters that spells Kraan requires good will, a magnifying glass, and perhaps an injection of vitamin A. (tip: left column, line 5)

    • The TATKG-baby is constantly growing - and changing. But now: The whole list and nothing but the list:The All Times Kraan Giglist
      (and plans have been made to make a 'All Times Bootleg list' - nothing can stop us...)

    • Hattler Booking info has changed. Check it out if you need Hattler to play for you.

    • Claus Bølling: The Ozric Tentacles came and saw us at a festival, and they went back and woke up the guitarist and pulled him out of his tent to come listen to us.
      They thought that we sounded like a German band called Kraan.
      (Claus Bølling - guitarist in a Danish/UK band called Electrum. Former he was a part of the bands Hurdy Gurdy, Coronarias dans and Secret Oyster)

    • Review of Through by 'Our man in Germany':

    • Review of remixes of Hattler tunes by E.stonji:

    • - Kraan plays here in august

    • Look at the bottom of this page. Cyberspace will soon be flooded with more Kraan fetiches.

    • Another curiosity:
      Fred Bauer wrote: I made this pic in the Idstein backstage room at a Hattler Band gig on 20th of march, 2004, and Hellmut told me, that he had paintet it 1994 (!) during a Tab Two gig as a joke (Kraan never played on 31.12.2001 in Idstein)
      Look here
  • 18. January
    • Last year this website made a poll and asked if you were interested in a surround sound version of 'Through' - it ended as a 50/50, but:
      There will be a dts (5.1 surround sound version) of the KRAAN album "Through"!
      It's already mixed and mastered (and should sound incredible!) and is available within the next weeks. Though it was a lot work - it's planned to be a limited edition on CDR. Each cd will be numbered and personally signed by the mixing engineer Jürgen Schlachter. Read more here:

    • New tourdates for Hattler band and Hattler solo.

    • Riebes Fachblatt 1973 a picture of Kraan and a story about a dog, and a photo of Alto's band no year - Daniel Svita has dived into his vaults again.

    • For those who wants to hear a piece (or 3) of the Veith Wolbrandt band go here: (Real Audio)

    • KRAAN is a convicted felon with a history of violence and weapon possession. The City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii hold a 1998 warrant for KRAANS’ arrest charging him with probation violation from an earlier conviction of possessing explosive devices and firearms.

    • - search for Kraan & submit your ratings.
  • 12.january 2004
    • Veith-Wolbrandt poasterVEITH WOLBRANDT GROUP played a fine concert in Stuttgart 08.01.04 ! It was bootlegged and bootvideorecorded ( we strongly condemn that sort of illegal acts ;-) ) - so you can watch a short excerpt of the end of 'Rund um die uhr' (A great Kraan tune) here as quicktime formate (12 mb as download).
      photos/zeroes page (bottom).

    • Peters soloalbum "So Weit" is available again! 15 Euros per autographed burn-on-demand-CD!

    • And by the way a refreshment: Old Devil Moon 1993 with Peter Wolbrandt :"burn-on-demand-CD" can be ordered at for 10 Euro incl. shipping & tax (inside germany)
      Also a Mp3 download at

    • KRAAN's sax player Johannes "alto" Pappert and his wife Mary are now parents: the baby's name is Jillian, born 22.12.2003, 8:02 a.m.
      - gratulation von allen Kraanichen!

    • Gig list updated. All 'known' Kraan gigs are now listed on this website (bottom of Boots page). Kudos to Fred Bauer who collected and wrote down all those dates.

  • Snowman05. January 2004
    • VEITH - WOLBRANDT - GROUP: Plays their first gig 08.01.04 21:00 im ARIGATO in Stuttgart.
      Stef Brand - Drums, Klaus Mohr - Bass, Peter Wolbrandt - Guitar/Vocal - They will also play some Kraan songs: Degado/Bandits In The Woods/Rund um die Uhr.

    • In Leverkusen Ingo had a minor accident and hurt his leg. Hellmut & Peter immidiately took action to find him a substitute. Check it out here (photos: zeroes, bottom)

    • More Karlsruhe pictures:

    • Fred Bauer (the man the fan) is building a complete record of all known Kraan gigs! This ambitious madmanproject will of course be presented here at this website (where else?). We will start with the seventies. Corrections and additions (preferably documented) are welcomed. Check it out here (Can also be found on the bottom of the boots page).

    • Musik Express Sounds Dezember 1991 - an Intercord add (graphic 117 kb) of 'Soul of Stone' + the other Kraan related CD's (contribution by Wolfgang Schmidt).

    • The Kraan ticket museum at has got new items - check it out.

      New year
41 updates made in 2003 can be viewed here

40 updates made in 2002 can be viewed here

49 updates made in 2001 can be viewed here

68 updates made in 2000 can be viewed here

43 updates made in 1999 can be viewed here

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The Kraan site contributors "Hall of fame"
Without these people this site would have been boring !
In arbitrary order:
Matt Gregory - U.S.A.
Per Skiold Frederiksen - Denmark
Achim Vater - Germany
Petrus Wippel - Germany
Andreas Hedler - Germany
Wolfgang Schmidt - Germany
Gary Holdinghausen - U.S.A.
Andi Görres - Germany
Rolf Spengler - Germany
Michael Loesl - Germany
Thorsten Knoop - Germany
Eib Eibelshäuser - Germany
Ulrich Jagusch - Germany
Hellmut Hattler - Germany
Kark Heinz Jardner - Germany
Rudolf Weinert - Germany
Bernward Koch - Germany
Charles Snider - U.S.A.
Lutz Schönlau - Germany
Arndt aus Hilden/Düsseldorf - Germany
Uwe Kerkau - Germany
Uwe Zipter - Germany
Werner Wingen - Germany
Ralf Feiten (S.F. Cody) - Germany.
Michael Bohn - Denmark
Peter Wolbrandt - Germany
Jan Fride (Wolbrandt) - Germany
Christian Zey (Chrille)- Germany
Robert J. Baumann - U.S.A.
Günni Heidler - Germany
Andi Scheibler - Germany
Gunter Auer - Germany
Lutz Wernicke - Germany
Jürgen Lange - Germany
Achim Helge Winkelmeier - Germany
Günter Zoufal - Germany
Dirk Jan Müller - Germany
Herrmann Imkamp - Germany
Wolfgang Schumacher - Germany
Hans-Peter Linz - Germany
Ulrich Mrosek
Chris Wilhelm - U.S.A.
Fred Bauer - Germany
Daniel & Dave Svita - USA
Frieder Rodermund - Germany
Peter Bertges - Germany
Frank Nissen - Germany
Detlef Weber - Germany
Dietmar Volkmer - Germany

The information on this website is partly ripped from other net sources, partly provided by the contributors listed above.

All URL sources are mentioned on these pages (if not spank me).

Please send a mail to: .

If something is incorrect or does not work as intended, please write me.

This site is made in english rather than swahili, danish, or german to address a larger audience.

A click on most graphics will reveal a larger version.

If you know anything about the band and you would like to put it on here, then please email me. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for looking!

Michael Bohn

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