68 Updates of year 2000
- 20. December - Kraans 'image' has
got a facelift, look at Photos/zeroes
and at Jans Wolbrandts site: http://www.okayokay.de/kraan.html
(flash animation) - maybe it predicts a new musical style :-)
Here is some German Kraan pages http://www.kno-op.de/kraan.htm
- (but carefull, first page loads in almost 400kb including an applet)
Kraan is mentioned here too: http://www.angelfire.com/journal/runyonsway
- 30. November - The re-release of Kraan
Live 88 is on the streets now (europe):.
The soundquality of this Fünfundvierzig production is as usual superior
to the Intercord version.
- 29. November -
The Kraan concert and TV-event
takes place at the "Subway", Cologne (tiny club, capacity of only 120!)
on april 6 next year - so those of you living near Köln - get moving
Link to Joo Kraus's website added (links
page) , link to Torsten de Winkels homepage added under Solos &
If you want to book 'Hattler' for a
concert next year, go to the Today page and look
under Hattler.
- 23. November - for those of you that doesn't subscribe for the Hattler
newsletter (see below), here is an excerpt:
SWR1 Baden-Wuerttemberg broadcasts HATTLER live , look at
de Winkel and Christian Lohr i the Jazz Club Sauschdall in Ulm, Germany.
Info at http://www.sauschdall.de
. Maybe there will be a HATTLER LIVE
CD next summer.
LABRATS? Hellmut's at work! Hey, new stuff! Best time for
creative soundscapers to get into gear (or shape?) Got a PC, tons of sounds/samples
and lots of ideas as well as competence and reliability? Hey now mail to:contact@hellmut-hattler.de
This newsletter will not be quoted every time it gets out , so if you want
to keep track of Hellmuts actions: Subscribe
- 17. November - Reviews of Hattlers new album, link to Interview + Newsletter
subscription info - go to solos & works.
- 12. November - Fündundvierzig news:
LIVE 88, will be released in 2 weeks.
SOUL OF STONE: The DAT with the long Wondergirl version got lost...
Unfortunately nobody has a copy, so SOUL OF STONE will include the original
Wondergirl version. Released date for preorders:
late November or beginning of December, in the european shops 1. january.
Just rumours:
There will be a radio-concert this year (Bavarian Radio),
A Television gig next year is certain, live in a small club in cologne
in march 2001, Kraan will meet and practise
in November, and maybe make plans for making an album with new tunes.
- 12. November - Yes, the american
Kraan albums (LP) by Passport are mixed different than the european
albums. Another scanning of the cover
of 'Starportrait' has been added. German
reviews of Flyday and Wiederhören (from www.amazon.de) added to Articles.
- 8. November - Photo from Hattler concert + 2 links to German review and
interview. Solos and works
- 31. October - 'Dancing in the shade'
is on the streets - I got it in the mail today. As usual, the sound quality
is much better than the previous releases.
- 30. October - Hattler Interview in German from SWR1 + a tune or two from
his new cd. Streaming Audio http://www.swr.de/ram/swr1rp/redaktionstipp/hattler.ram
- 28. October - 'Fünfundvierzig' have decided to reduce the price
for the Kraan re-releases to 25 DM (orders via this website) , this
will influence the preorders as well.
After some technical troubles the album 'Dancing in the shade' is on the
stairs. No news on the coming EMI albums (Wintrup, Andy Nogger, Let it out)
- 17. October - 2 articles by Tibor Kneif, the Hungarian Berlin-based musicologist.
- 30. September - 9 photos from 1976 kindly provided by Jürgen Lange
Photos Mid / Late seventies (bottom)
- 29. September - Due to a few minor
technical problems the re-release of 'Dancing in the shade', 'Live 88' and
'Soul of stone' has been delayed a few weeks. Hopefully some time in
You can see a 'betaversion' of the new covers at the Discography
page, there is a link at each album.
Soul Of Stone will have 2 little musical changes to the original,
Weeyaya is the version from 'Famous Years Compiled' and 'Wondergirl' appears
in a longer version.
Rumour: Live 2000 will also be
postponed because the 'Herzberg Festival' is unwilling to let go of the
tape - they don't consider it the property of Kraan !
Hattler's tourplan can be found at http://www.hellmut-hattler.de/tour/index.html.
- 20.September - The ulm-version (Live 2000) of KRAAN's "andy nogger",
as well as the unreleased "XMZremix" of the HATTLER title "universal breakdown",
will be soon available as a free download at amazon.de.
- 8. September - a 30 minutes interview with Hellmut Hattler (streaming
audio/video), relating to his new project, but also to Kraan and his whole
www.onyx.tv/musik/onyx-events/hattler_hellmut.asx . You need Win 98
or 2000 with Windows mediaplayer 7 to have video AND audio.
With Win 95 or NT and Windows mediaplayer 6.4 it's audio only. Netscape
users may also experience problems.
- 7. September - Interview with Peter Wolbrandt at www.jazzdimensions.de
- In German.
- 6. September - The whole Kraan article from the German magazine 'Rock
News' seems to be online at http://www.germanrock.de/k/kraan/index.htm
- In German.
- Hellmut
Hattlers website - is updated and has soundbytes from his latest album
- 21. August - A release called Kraan Live 2000 is planned (Fünfundvierzig"),
and maybe also a video or a DVD !
- 21. August - You can now preorder Berliner Ring Here
(CD-Shop - probably readymade in October ).
- 21. August - The releases of 'Live 88', 'Soul Of Stone' and 'Dancing
In the Shade' are delayed untill the end of September.
- 18. August - You could go to www.germanrock.de
and try to order the July-September edition (nr. 11) of "Rock
News" (eventually via email: redaktion@germanrock.de).
18 pages of this 61 pages issue (A4 size - black & white) are dedicated
to Kraan. Quotes, reviews, history, statements, photos, and small interviews
with people from Kraan or related to Kraan.
You can even win Hellmut Hattlers famous glasses in a contest !
See a picture of the cover here . For
many of you out there the drawback is that it's in German. Thanks to Achim
for sending it to me !
- 18. August - addition to 'Who is Kraan' (bottom).
- 17. August - Photos from 73 to 76 has been added to Early
seventies and Mid / Late seventies sections
(bottom). Contributed by Rolf Spengler.
- 10. August - Scans from the 2 latest Kraan re-releases
and from
EMI at Discography. They both come with great sound
and an informative booklet with lots of photos. has
4 bonustracks not released before.
CDNOW have them.
- 9. .August - Have you noticed that the Kraan-rereleases
also appears as U.S. imports and Japanese imports ?
Read the explanation here
- 6. August - 'Kraan: Kraan (1972)' with bonustracks and 'Kraan:
Live (1974)' from EMI is out now.
CDNOW have them.
- 6. August - Two press-statements from "Fünfundvierzig"/Michael
Loesl about "Tournee" and "Nachtfart"
added to Discography (In German - will be translated later)
- 6.august - 4 photos from the event where Live 88 was recorded
at the club 'quasiomodo' in Berlin is added Photos
/ eighties/nineties bottom.
- 6. August - Info on Hattlers new album: No eats yes here
(solos & works)
- 4. August - Do you want to book Kraan for a gig ? Info on
Kraan Today
- 4. August - realaudio examples from the Ulm gig at Peter
Wolbrandts website: http://www.Wolbrandt.de/audio.htm.
- 2. August - 52 great photos from the Ulm gig !! Shot by
Andi Gorres. Link found at the photosection / zeroes-bottom.
Or here.
German review of the Ulm gig kindly translated to english
by Christian Zey. Link found at the top of the articles section
to the German version, or here
in english.
- 27. July Lutz
Wernicke's Kraan photos the link is added to the links
page, and some of the photos are added to this sites photosection.
A picture from the Ulm gig is added to photos
/ zeroes
- 24. July The
Herzberg festival program (2000) about Kraan - Same
in German
Brief comment from Hellmut Hattler: I liked it a lot -
so did the audience (about twenty thousand "hippies")...even
the rain stopped...
Pictures from the Herzberg festival at http://www.germanrock.de/k/kraan/photographie.htm
- 23. July - The re-release of Tournee
and Nachtfart is ready
- you can order here (europe)
or here
(usa). Scans of the cd-inlays can be seen by following the
links on the discography page..
- 7 july - Project "HATTLER": A radio single CD with the title
"no eats yes" has been out for two weeks now. The 16 song
album will be released on september 11.
Tour in Germany/ Austria in october. The line up: Sandie Wollasch,
Nkechi Mbakwe, vocals; Stud, trumpet, rhodes; Oli Rubow, drums;
HH, bass.
- 3. July - A rumour tells that a TV gig with Kraan has been
planned to happen in 2001.
PR info in english about the album 'Dancing in the shade'
in english has been added. See Discography.
- 30. june - EMI releases Kraans first album with 3 bonus
tracks and 'Kraan Live' (no bonus tracks) 28.7.00. Evidence
can be found at http://www.emimusic.de/
- choose from the left menu: artist / search /pop / write
Kraan in the searchform. There will be audioexamples soon.
- 28. June - Info about the ULM koncert: Kraankonzert
in Ulm/Do (open air) 11.07.00 - 20.00 Uhr Price: 30DM. Auf
der Donauwiese beim Metzgerturm.
To order Tickets: mail@donaufest.de
- 25. June - News from the Fünfundvierzig label:
There has been som delays in the re-releases but Tournee and
Nachtfart will be out in about 3 weeks. The next 3 albums
is planned to be available in august.
The CD with the rare and the previously unreleased tracks
will get the title BERLINER RING
and it will have the following tracks: Berliner Ring / Komm
Tanz / Kaffeefahrt / Hemden im Wind / Weltweit / Paranorm
/ Mein Gold / Enimo Mine / Gleitflug. - Release date is not
scheduled yet, but hopefully this year.
- 24. June - Small corrections and contributions to the 'solo's
& works' page.
- 4. June - Cdnow
has the reissues of Kraan albums.
- 16. May - You can now Pre-order the rest of the Kraan
albums from the Fünfundvierzig label here.
The Herzberg festival poster can be seen at the photosection
- 12. May - Interview (alas in German) with Hellmut Hattler
about the reuinion of Kraan at http://www.cd-pur.de/
A customers report on the soundquality of the re releases
- 4. may - You can now order Kraan:
Wiederhören 1977 and Kraan : Flyday 1978 from this site.
Click on CD-Shop in the menu or here.
Later the other albums made after 1978 will be available too.
- 1. May - The album 'Flyday's re-release is on it's way from
'Fünfundvierzig', and one of the fans Wolfgang Schmidt
has risked the life of his blue
LP-version (58 kb) by scanning it for the Kraan website.
He also provided a PR-info
(160 kb) in German about the album 'Dancing in the shade'
- 29. April - You will be able to order the Kraan re-releases
from 'Fünfundvierzig' through this website in the near
- 27. April - The German onlineshop www2.alphamusic.com
has Wiederhören in stock. Price 32.99 DM = 15.45 Dollars.
- 25. April - Wiederhören is re-released ! Soundquality
is great ! Look here for pictures.
At present I dont know where you can get it - so go to your
local musicpusher or your favorite online shop and ask them
to get it.
- 6. April - The manager of the recordcompany 'Fünfundvierzig',
Piet Manns-Langenberg, has assured me that the albums are
being released, and Wiederhören is right on the stairs,
he also wrote: "We decided now to release all albums
without bonus tracks, but release another CD with the 3 tracks
from '2 Schallplatten' and 6 unreleased tracks. They are all
from the 80s, so they would all belong to Nachtfahrt, but
then the bonus section would become longer than the regular
section, so it's better to make a seperate CD with these tracks".
(I hope I can put a URL to an online dealer on these pages
soon - MB)
- 6. April - Peter Wolbrandt is rather sure that Kraan will
go to Japan late this year.
- 6. April - Johannes (Alto) Pappert's company has a website,
the link is on "Kraan today".
- 28. March - At the record company Wintrup's website http://www.wintrup.de/ontour.htm
you can read that there will be an additional Kraan gig
in Ulm at a festival 11 july 2000.
At http://www.wintrup.de/nl4.htm
(under Tab Two) it is written:
Released by EMI: May: Kraan + Kraan Live, August: Wintrup,
Andy Nogger + Let it out. - I asked EMI by email
a month ago, they answered that they did not know anything
about this....large company.
Released by Fünfundvierzig / Indigo: March Wiederhören,
April: Flyday, May: Tournee, July: Live 88,
August: Dancing in the Shade, September: Soul of
- 27. March - Two more tickets from Kraan concerts, this time
from 87 and 90, are added to the photo section (eighties/nineties).
- 3. March - I have detected an error in the Kraan-talk guestbook.
For some unknown reasons it does not display the messages
- and unfortunately these are lost too. - So dont use it untill
the problem is fixed, I will make a noise here when it works.
- 3. March - Rumours about the re-release of Kraan albums
(from 1977 » ) : They are not only re-released
but also remastered. A tape with a few unreleased tunes has
been discovered but not heard, since the dolbysystem they
were recorded with is very old. If they are in good shape,
they will probably end up as bonus tracks on one of the re-releases.
The three bonustracks on "2 Schallplatten" will
end up on the re-release of Nachtfart (where they belong).
- 2 studiorecordings from 1971 has been discovered ( see discography
- New design on discography. This design needed a little refreshment
BUT people with browserversions earlier than 4.* will not
get the full enjoyment since I have used stylesheets to save
bytes on the code - its still readable though - if you have
problems send me a mail.
- 24 February - Info about a Radio broadcast from Ravensburg
1982 added to Discography / bottom of page.
- 23 February - A ticket with Peter and Hellmuts signature
added at Photos eighties/nineties, an English flyer from 1974
added at Links.
- 21 February - A Photo of Kraan rehearsing in Ulm on 20.
february , and a small music sample from this event Check
Photo's 'zero's' section ! Magazine adds from Altos first
album 1978 and Hattlers Bassball on Photo's mid/late section
are added too.
- 6 February - Program from the Herzberg Festival can be
found here http://www.think-progressive.de.
Find Kraan: Click on "Festival" in the bottom line. On the
screen, that appears, Click on "Vorschau" in the lower left
- 29 January 2000 - Big news: EMI Electrola wants to release
all Kraan albums !! Peter Wolbrandt is sparring on the
booklets. In a short time http://www.kraan.de
should be up. Peter is the technical webmaster.
- 29 January 2000 - Hattlers band: The name of the band is
"Hattler". Musicans: Sandi Wollach, Nketchi Mbakwe (singer)
Stud (trompet) Oli Mubow (drum) First concert: summer "Ulmer
Zelt" in Ulm. The date is not out yet. TabTwo: new CD from
a live concert. This will be released in March.
- 28 January 2000 - Intercord (who owns most of the Kraan
albums) was bought by one of the largest recordcompanies in
the world EMI last month. EMI fusioned with Time Warner last
week. Warner and AOL fusioned the week before. I hope they
know which shelf they stored the Kraan tapes on....
- 16 January 2000 - From Peter Wolbrandts website: Hellmut
Hattler has arranged the first KRAAN Gig.
15.07.2000 - Herzberg-Festival at Fulda (Germany).
- 2 january 2000 - Contribution from Wolfgang Schmidt: One
1976 article in German and 2 ads (76 & 77) from "Sounds".
Go to Articles (bottom right) and Photos middle section (bottom).
Webmasters 1. year anniversary comment at Kraan Talk + other
fan's comments and statements.