- http://www.kraan.de
- the official German Kraan site run by Peter & Jan Wolbrandt
- Peter Wolbrandts website:
- Hellmut
Hattlers website - with soundbytes from his latest album,
tourdates etc.
- http://www.bassball.net/
- Hattlers record company site - Some Kraan & Hattler
cd's can be ordered here.
- http://www.artmeup.de/HHworks.htm
- Paintings by Hellmut Hattler.
- Jan Fride's website: OKAY
- its a shop
And especially his Kraan
pages with a shooting game :-)
And Pictures
& music from Herzberg 2000
- Joo Kraus's
website - requires flashplugin, tourdates, background, discography,
- Udo Dahmens website: http://www.udodahmen.de/
- Kraan site done with flash by the designer of the bassball
album cover: http://www.artmeup.de/kraan.htm
- The newsgroup for Kraanfans: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Kraanaholics/
- Another Kraan
site , this one by Klaus Unland in the German tongue. Good
background notes.
His photopage: http://www.unland.purespace.de/kraanpics/kraanpics.htm
- Japanese
Kraan site (autumn 99) contains a brief interview with P.Wolbrandt
in english
- http://members.aol.com/uheep2/kraan.htm
(Small american Kraan page)
- The Kraan concertticket-museum: www.rolf-thalmann.de/kraan
- KRAAN - Heimweh nach Übersee
Ein persönliches , musikwissenschaftliches Essay über
eine deutsche Rockgruppe von Reinhard Mährländer:
Large essay in German. Analysis, perspectives, comparisons,
even with classical music, and bits of scores, this perhaps
is of special interest for the musician.

Sarah's Ritt durch den Schwarzwald
- Petrus
Wippel's website. A reference to the studio where some Kraan
albums where recorded.
- http://www.ripco.com/~saxmania/euroe.html
(A letter from Hellmut Hattler)
- http://www.alexgitlin.com/kraan.htm
- http://www.sipri.se/deps/pw.html
- (Painting by P. Wolbrandt - cover for Kraan's first album)
- http://privat.schlund.de/D/Drock/E-J-N-K.htm
(List of German rock)
- Günter Heidlers website Soundproduction
- (the producer of 'Real Wintrup', see boots
- bottom).
- Lutz
Wernicke's Kraan photos
- Kraan photos
from 1977
- www.germanrock.de
- Kraan - and a lot of other bands
- The official Tab
Two site
- Wintrup Musikverlag
The company lead by Walter Holzbauer that among other things
owns the rights to the Kraan albums and the songs.
- Klaus
Kuhnke Archiv - Online Research of German bands - amazing
site !
- http://www.jazzdimensions.de/
- leading German online jazz magazine, interview with PW and
a review of 'Dancing in the shade'.

Peter wolbrandt works his Epiphone in Copenhagen 79,
photo by Skiold.
This guitar was later lost in Spain.......
Click to see a larger version 77 kb |