Updates from 2001

  • 21. December
    More music-recipies for your cellphone here ('yaqui yagua' & 'hallo ja ja' added)
    Germany: Radio 98.6 is doing a KRAAN / HELLMUT HATTLER - Radio Special (Vol. 1) on February 12, 2002 in Berlin on 92,6 MHz (Offener Kanal Berlin) between 6 and 7 pm. The radiostations email: radio986@aol.com

  • 19. December - Real news:
    Info about Hellmuts Hattlers coming album
    Picture of the usa-cover of 'Let it out' added here.

  • 18. December -
    Due to the overwhelming lack of news: The Kingdom of Kraan

  • 5. December -
    Broadcast with KRAAN & Canned Heat: WDR (German televison), Tuesday 29. January 2002, Time: 23.35-01.00
  • 1. December (approximately) -
    From all of us... In accordance with the Kraans, this website proudly presents:
    Download a previously unreleased Kraan song as mp3 !!!!
    -> Go to the boots section.

    Picture of Jan Fride from Wuppertal 91. Photos - Eighties / Nineties (80 - 99) bottom.
    Magazine review: 'Good Times' - issue Nr.6/2001 - the latest 3 EMI reissues + Berliner Ring were altogether reviewed positive on page 40.
    A list of names/addresses of those of you who got the wrong 'Andy Nogger' CD-cover, has been sent to EMI. You should recieve a new correct cover directly from EMI. If - by the end of this year - you havent recieved or heard anything, mail me.

  • 14. November -
    More info about the Christmas concert / event in Ulm here
    If you would like a written invitation for the the Hattler exhibition opening, send a mail to: info@raiba-ulmeralb.de

  • 12. November -
    Hellmut Hattler has an exibition of his paintings in a bank: http://www.raiba-ulmeralb.de/
    The poster announcing the Christmas concert 22.12.2001.
    A new Hattler CD is on its way, and a 12" vinylalbum (2 songs) is out in November. Subscribe for the Hattler newsletter here: http://www.reheller.de/hattlernews

  • 2. November - http://www.kraan.de has been updated by Peter Wolbrandt. Recent and commented photos by HH, favorite album / song polls, and a new guestbook (the old one can still be read).

  • 25. October -
    I received a picture of the 5 EMI releases as seen on the shelf. The Andy Nogger cover has an error, (the first 1000 prints) someone must have got red ears at EMI.
    I have spoken with EMI about this - if you send me your physical address by mail, I will forward them (in bulks) to EMI and they will send you a new corrected cover (it may take a while, possibly 2-3 weeks).
    Bassball special re-release: The original LP-cover with original liner notes by Axel H. Lockau made for cd. Peek here.
    From the Hattlerfamily's portraitgallery. Exclusively for this website. Photosection zeroes bottom.
    http://www.artmeup.de/kraan.htm is updated and has some info from the recent tour in Germany.
    www.photo-now.de - has some nice Kraan photos from mid/late 70ties.
    Some Kraan cd-reviews (in German) : http://www.progressive-newsletter.de/
    Kraan - 2 Schallplatten for sale at Ebay online auction - 9 DM today !.

  • 1. October - The result of the BEST OF KRAAN - internet poll, 2001 by Mark Stehle (Darmstadt radio, Germany).

  • 28. September -
    New Kraan poster: Photo section - zeroes - bottom.
    A Kraan fan page that probably will be a dissapointment to most: http://www.kran-fan.de/

  • 24. September
    Heimelektro Ulm prepares REMIXes of Hellmut HATTLERs "NO EATS YES" album (bassball/polydor). many more details: http://www.heimelektro-ulm.de/news.htm
    ("heimelektro ulm" is a hard core electronic music label in Munich and the majority of its artists were asked to remix the hattler/"n.e.y."-songs for vinyl)
    Two new hattler tunes are going to be released on the "jubilee records" label on 12" vinyl end of november 2001. a-side "more control" in cooperation with "deep dive corp." b-side "nachtstrom" together with producer christian lohr and vocalist maya singh.

  • 21. September - se the result of Kraan poster happening for the www.kulturwerkstatt.net here

  • 13. september - Pass the time, test yourself with a Kraan-online-jigsawpuzzle (made by Bob Baumann): http://www.jigzone.com/ms/z.php?ui=133874i175723&z=48_piece_classic

  • 11. september
    Fine interview in German with Ingo Bischof: http://www.jazzdimensions.de/interviews/portraits/ingo_bischof.html
    Make a Kraan dice (photos / zeroes - bottom)
    Large Interview with Hellmut Hattler from 1980 - about basstechnics, other bassplayers, bassball...etc. (In German, but good photos) ( Articles bottom).
  • 4. september
    The re-relase of Wintrup, Andy Nogger & Let it out - released by EMI : They were shipped to the shops last Thursday/Friday. Definitely available since 3. september.
    "Wintrup" has a bonus track, the other 2 have none. All 3 "missing" albums are digitally remastered and have liner notes in German and English plus some photos and articles (like the other 2). If you put all the five album in chronological order in your rack, you can read "KRAAN" on the spine and below that you have a kind of "rainbow" with elements of all 5 cover. In Germany they are sold for about 15 DM , which is quite a bargain !

  • 30. August
    3 recent photos from Cornberg (photos - zeroes -bottom)
    Crazy drawing of the Kraan-o-phone by Hellmut (Who is Kraan - bottom)
    Order the bonus-bonus-bonus track album Berliner Ring at www.bassball.net - use ENTER WITHOUT FLASH ! Stuffed with tunes you probably never heard before !
    Remember - you can recieve an email that notifies you when this page is updated. Just fill out the form below. No spamming.

  • 22. august
    Hellmut has informed me that some copies of Berliner Ring allready have reached his desk, and can be ordered as soon as www.bassball.net is updated ! Keep an eye on it !
    For the nostalgic : 3 tickets on the eighties/nineties page.
    3 changes to the Kraan tourschedule. Changes marked with a •.

  • 17. august
    Berliner Ring albumcover can be seen here (prototypes).
    Kraan Live 2001 - from copy 2500 the cover of kraan live2001 has slightly changed. It's not available in the shops yet, but at http://www.bassball.net. Now it looks the way the designer wanted it...poor collectors!...(No pictures yet).
    Christmas concert at the roxy in Ulm 22. December - the final 30-year-anniversary concert ! Info here: phone: +49 731/156-271 fax: +49 731/156-860 email: r.grimminger@swp.de

  • 16. august
    A new Hattler is born, Hellmut & Maie got a fine daughter at home on the 13. august, her name is Naomi. Short description: 4000g/55cm, long fingers, incredibly big feet, nice voice !
    Welcome & Congratulations !!

  • 9. august
    Hellmut Hattler wrote:

    Dear friends!
    Sept.24 (this year...) will be the release date of KRAANs "Berliner Ring" cd.
    Released on "bassball", distributed in Germany by "edel contraire".
    The missing re-releases "Wintrup", "Andy nogger" and "Let it out" are now
    confirmed to be out on aug. 31 (hopefully this year...).


    Kraans Tourplan has changed a little, and for those who doesn't know where Betzdorf and Gütersloh are, there is now (thanks to Chrille & mapblast.com) help to get.

  • 6.august
    A photo from Tübingen on the bottom of this page.
    Remember that you can recieve an email automaticly when this page is updated, by using the form below.

  • 31. July - Online articles/reviews of recent Kraan gigs (in German). Opens in a new browserwindow.
    http://www.oberberg-aktuell.de/show-article.php4?RubrikID=1&ArticleID=11947 - several photos

  • 30. July - Lots of new concertdates in September/October! The 30 years jubilee autumn tour !

  • 4. July -
    Hellmuts new bass http://www.ritter-basses.de/custom/hattler.htm
    Confirmation: The previously unrecorded live tunes 'Koffein' and 'Filz & Fett' will be on the coming 'Berliner Ring' album.
    Info about Eef Albers and Gerry Brown and Mark McMillen's recent actions and whereabouts are wanted by Hellmut Hattler. If you know anything email it to Hellmut .

  • 2. July -
    Strong rumours that the upcoming 'Berliner Ring' album also will contain 2 previously unrecorded live tracks called 'Koffein' and 'Filz & Fett' !
    Photos by Klaus Unland from the Kraanconcert in Osnabrück: http://www.unland.purespace.de/kraanpics/klangart.htm
    The Tab Two website is gone, but if you need to check something it can still be found here: http://reheller.de/tabtwo
    The AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) selected the HATTLER CD Cover (Universal Release) as one of the Top 100 CD packages!
    Countdown: Dont miss the TV broadcast: 06.07.2001 45 minutes of the Köln gig at club Subway will be broadcasted 06.06.2001 at 12.45 to 13:30 on 3 SAT - (WDR) German television.

  • 18. June -
    Great news: The album with older non-released tunes: 'Berliner Ring' will probably be released in october ! (on www.bassball.net)
    The setlist (so far) will be:
    01 berliner ring - 02 kaffeefahrt - 03 mein gold # - 04 enimo mine - 05 weltweit - 06 hemden im wind# - 07 komm tanz # - 08 paranorm (*/hamburg)$ - 09 nice try (*dto.)$ - 10 eef's tune (*dto.)$# - 11 dancing in the shade (*/kiel)

    # previously unreleased
    * live recording
    $ the kraan"X" line up.

  • 13. June
    'Let it out' with your mobilphone - Look here (Events page bottom)
    The Villa Berg gig in Stuttgart 04.04.01 will be broadcasted 29.07.01 - Events
    The coming Kraan venues can now be found on a map (look for the red cross). - Events
    Mark Stehle of Radio Darmstadt wants to make a Kraan Chart (read Guestbook). Choose 3 titles and write a few words why you choosed them. Mail it to mstehle@nexgo.de

  • 29. May Let your mobilephone/cellphone ring with Kraan tunes. Look here (Events page bottom)

  • 25. May 13. 07. 2001: Bergneustadt - kulturfest. (for HATTLER concertdates Check the events section ) Photos Mid / Late seventies (74 - 79) got a photo of some Kraan 'haute couture' 1977.

  • 22. May - Another correction: The broadcasting date for the kraan feature on "Radio Darmstadt" has changed, it's NOW: Monday, june 4 from 9 to 11pm.
    Die KRAAN Sendung ist bei der letzten Musikredaktionsitzung abgesegnet worden, Sendetermin: Mo.4 Juni ´01 von 21-23°°.

  • 16. May - Correction from WDR TV: There's a mistake concerning the TV date! The KRAAN TV SPECIAL (SUBWAY GIG) will be aired on 3 sat : 6 JULI 2001 12.45 -13.30h, not 08.06 as previously mentioned.

  • 2. May
    More summer concerts announced at Events (previously 'gigs')
    Radioshow announced at Events (previously 'gigs')
    Christmascard from Hellmut 1978 added at Photos Mid / Late seventies (74 - 79)
    Drawing by Hellmut added at Photos Eighties / Nineties (80 - 99)
    Newspaperarticle (in German but with a photo) from Neuß 1979 - 'Die Stadthalle brodelte' Articles

  • 29 April - Photos from the concert at 'Subway club' Köln added. Photos - zeroes

  • 25. April
    Concert announcement : Hattler / Kraan, 8. Juni, Stadthalle Osnabrück (GERMANY)
    Vorverkaufspreis: 35,- DM zzgl. Gebühr Abendkasse: 40,- DM - Order your tickets here: Klangart
    This site is now linked to the Guestbook at www.Kraan.de - so now there is a guestbook again (- and this one works !)
    Another Kraan re-release review - this time in english: aural innovations.com
    Kraan concertinfo will be listed here in the future (Gigs in the topmenu) .

  • 23. April
    Pictures from the gig in Stuttgart April 4. 2001: http://www.trotzlust.de/ -> Musik -> Kraan, or directly to the frame with photo's here.
    Photosection updated , the zeroes and mid/late sections has got new photos/graphics.
    Austrian site with short reviews of a few Kraan albums (in German): http://www.clickfish.at/

  • 19. April
    Kraan's mini-tour is over and was a great succes ! The band was in top-shape, and very supportive audiences made the gigs fun and a great musical experience for everyone. In Köln, the audience sang 'happy birthday' for the band (30th anniversary) and in Karlsruhe people started to sing Yaqui Yagua, etc.
    Read the guestbook-reviews and brush up your German skills at Hellmut Hattler's guestbook and Peter Wolbrandt's guestbook
    45 minutes of the Köln gig at club Subway will be broadcasted 08.06.2001 at 12.45 on 3 SAT (WDR) German television.
    I expect to add some photos from these gigs soon.
    There will be another chance to experience Kraan at the Finkenbach festival (Germany) late July. More info on this will follow later.

  • 18. March
    Congratulations !
    Hattler: No Eats Yes is winner of the ECHO 2001 award in the category Best Jazz Production. An 'Echo' is the German 'Grammy'.

  • 14. March
    a Kraanpage is added to the linkspage, look here.
    3 photos from Krefeldt 77 added to the photosection.
    Hellmut Hattler is positive to the idea of releasing the 'Berliner Ring tunes' when a good opportunity comes up.
    Why Kraan Live 2000 is titledKraan Live 2001 - here.

  • 2. March
    Sad announcement:
    The release of 'Berliner Ring' is cancelled.
    2 of the tunes for this album went on the re-release of Bassball, so 'Fünfundvierzig' felt that a cd with so few tunes left, was not a reasonable product.
    Looking backwards it was thus regrettable, that at least the 3 tunes from '2 schallplatten' didn't end up on Nachtfart instead. Let's hope another chance will show up later. People who preordered the album, have been notified directly by 'Fünfundvierzig'.
    A pressrelease has been added to Kraan live 2000 (In German)

  • 28. February
    www.bassball.net is up, you can go there and order Kraan live 2000.
    Photopages updated. Middle, late and zeroes sections has a few new pictures, minor addition to 'solos & works'.
    Hellmut Hattler's 'No eats yes' has been nominated by "musikwoche" magazine in the category: jazz production (national/international) for an "ECHO" (equivalent of the U. S. grammy)
    Even more bootrecordings discovered and listed.

  • 22. February -
    Recently I have discovered many concertrecordings from Germany on Napster that I did not know about before, they are added to the boots list.

  • 20.February -
    The Re-release of Bassball contains 2 BONUS-tracks: two instrumentals, a 1980 tune called "kopfkino" (translated into english would be "mind movie", It's the first idea of this later Tab Two classic). And "paranorm" (with Peter and Ingo) from '82.
    Tunes on the Kraan live 2000 album will be the classics. More album details here
    The German music magazine 'Good Times' can be reached through this link with help of a telephone or the snailmail Click. They also seem to have an emailaddress: GTimes@t-online.de - So perhaps you can order an issue this way (Kraan Story in issue no.2 / 2001 (release on April 6, 2001).
    Confirmation: 5. April 2001 KRAAN in Krefeld (will take place at KuFa )

  • 13. February -
    The German music magazine 'Good Times' has announced a Kraan Story in issue no.2 / 2001 (release on April 6, 2001). - Do they perhaps have a website ?
    Jan Wolbrandt has put some shots online from Herzberg. Click
    Joo Kraus's website is ready, lots of background-info & his latest actions. Requires flash plugin. Click

  • 8. February -
    New review of the Kraan album 'Dancing in the shade' found at www.jazzdimensions.de
    Kraan live 2000 cd ( 70 minutes) will be released on Hattler's sub-label at http://www.bassball.net/
    New layout for 'Bassball' frontcover, bassball-net logo's, Hattler band photo here
    Tourdates for 'Hattler''s March gigs online at http://hellmut-hattler.de/tour/index.html

  • 3o. January - Kraan tourdates:
    4. April 2001 KRAAN at Villa Berg in Stuttgart (SWR1 Live Taping)
    5. April 2001 KRAAN in Krefeld (will take place at KuFa )
    6. April 2001 KRAAN videotaping for WDR TV at Subway Cologne
    7. April 2001 KRAAN at Tollhaus Karlsruhe (TV Live Show)
    Re-release of the "Bassball" album (1977) in March on EVENT RECORDS + reissue of No eats yes.
    Pictures of Hattler from a recent show in Ulm - Germany.
    'Hattler' will be on tour between 15.3. and 31.3.2001
    http://www.bassball.net/ - has been announced - I'm not sure what it is yet.

  • 26. January - Kraan concert: Karlsruhe, April 7. at the 'Tollhaus'. Will be broadcasted as a 45 minutes Radioshow. A ticket from Saarbrücken 80 added to the Eighties / Nineties photosection. Achim Vater & Peter Wolbrandt project.

  • 13. January - The re-release of Soul of stoneis available, both in the shops and online. This album is probably the most complex and 'funkinfluenced' of the Kraan albums. As usual it's in superior soundquality, and with improved cd/coverwork !
    Ingo Bischof news: Reger/Bischof/Fischer: Images of Trance and Rythm (DA Music- 5284 Selected Sound) - worldmusic, techno and 'jazz' meets.

  • 1. January 2001.
    It has been a great year for Kraan and Kraan-enthusiast's around the world. After a 9 years break, they returned with 2 big gigs in Germany, and concerts and TV-shows are planned for 2001. Looks like Kraan is on track !

    Most Kraans albums got re-released in much improved soundquality in year 2000, thanks to Piet Manns from the small independant label 'Fündundvierzig' and EMI.
    Still 5 albums remains but they should be expected this year - EMI: Wintrup, Andy Nogger, Let it out. Fünfundvierzig: Soul of stone, and 'Berliner Ring' that is planned to contain 3 tracks from the compilationalbum 'Schallplatten' and some unreleased recordings from the early 80ties.

    Besides working with Kraan, all members has been active with music in other projects too. Alltogether very promising and much more than one could have anticipated 2 years ago !!

    Thanks to Gary Holdinghausen, the photosection has got some more graphics & photos. Look at the Mid / Late seventies , Eighties / Nineties & zeroes .

    This website was accessed almost 10.000 times in year 2000.
    In year 1999 it was 4.000.

    68 updates made in 2000 can be viewed here

    43 updates made in 1999 can be viewed here
