What Kraan is not:
A country:
Kingdom of Kraan
= Crane
the inspiration to the song: Wenn die Kraaniche zieh'n....
thing above is a Kraan in Holland,
but some claims that Kraan means a Faucet in Dutch:(fô“s¹t)
n. A device for regulating the flow of a liquid from a reservoir
such as a pipe or drum. [Middle English, from Old French fausset,
cask stopper, from fausser, to break in, from Late Latin fals³re,
to falsify, from Latin falsus, false. See FALSE.]
how about:
Description :
blooded raptors with strong leather flesh and strong hooks and claws,
Kraans can make true prowesses in flight in spite of their heavy
aspect. Their fraut strength enable them to carry loads (that decreases
nevertheless their flight ability). As they are a bit inteligent,
these dangerous creatures have been trained to serve as mounts by
the Darklord. Very often mistaken with their cousins dragons, Kraans
are feared by commons peaple as their doet of flesh doesn't need
to be proven......More about the Kraans here: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Comet/6275/kraana.html
is definetly not Kraan: http://www.mhsc.ca/encyclopedia/contents/K7340ME.html#Bibliography
maybe Kraan is a little of all this. . .
But what about this one ?
A japanese version of South Park ?, An advertizement for bathtub
soap or ?
- Kraan in the Phillipines, actually, the wheather situation.
3 policemen drowned in Kraan river...
KRAAN is a convicted felon with a history of violence and weapon
possession. The City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii hold a 1998
warrant for KRAANS’ arrest charging him with probation violation
from an earlier conviction of possessing explosive devices and
HERE (pdf-file)
secret Kraan-money that were the only legal currency at
Wintrup. Here a 10 Hattler token piece ~1,23 Euro or 4 Reefers.
The Wolbrandt notes with great artistic watermarks are definetely
more rare.
Right: Plastic Token - Hattler Bros. Measures approximately 25mm
in diameter
One was on sale here: http://cgi.ebay.de/
The photo to the right was sent to your humble webmaster, and naturally
he became in a severe state of chock !
The story behind it is uncertain, and perhaps we shouldn't even
show this - but now its done !
But as everything on this particular page - this is not Kraan.
Kraan is alive & well.
A man called Negroponte Kraan seems to be a power mad vampire !!
Das Waisenhaus der Vampire (Gebundene Ausgabe)
Ein Blutstropfen genügt, um aus einem Menschen einen Vampir zu machen!
Eiskalte Schauer laufen Bruno über den Rücken, als ihm Negroponte Kraan zum ersten Mal begegnet.
Ausgerechnet dieser Mann will ihn adoptieren.
Aber für den zehnjährigen Bruno, der seit seiner Geburt im Waisenhaus lebt,
ist es wahrscheinlich die letzte Chance, Eltern zu finden.
Als Bruno schließlich bei seiner neuen Adoptivfamilie lebt, enthüllt Negroponte Kraan sein wahres Gesicht:
Er ist ein machthungriger Vampir, der die Welt in seine Gewalt bringen will.
Und für diesen Plan braucht er Bruno ...
In the fictional Marvel Comics Universe, the M'Kraan Crystal (pronounced "EM-kron", or "MA-craan" as in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance the video game) is a gigantic crystalline artifact that lies at the nexus of all realities. The Crystal contains a negative galaxy, a source of near limitless power, which pulls and traps all matter inside. The Crystal plays a prominent role in several major storylines, including the Dark Phoenix Saga and the Age of Apocalypse. The Saga states that the Phoenix Force is the legendary guardian of the crystal.