"ENGLISH" w/ google translator
LIVE: Kraan in England (1972)
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We appreciate a copy with 20 - to 40, - DM
Despite all difficulties, it is the official "brotherhood commune" in London but managed to still go through with her Great Windsor Park Festival with success. Conclusion: Co-organizer Paul Pawlowski sits in jail, the authorities had to pay several thousand pounds of Eden for the use of 800 police officers and some police helicopters, and Prince Charles could not play polo, as the polo grounds next to the festival site and lay a few hundred enthusiasts had gathered in the stands.
The English music agent Dennis Vaughan pulled the promise of its 10 groups, including the Incredible String Band, back, fearing trouble with the authorities after the festival two days before had been "banned" officially. 40 other British groups wanted to play, inter alia Hawkwind, Magic Muscle and Edgar Broughton.
In the hallowed park in the Queen began on Saturday 26 August, a festival that was for the British press as a "true miracle". Freaks from all over England had arrived, there were Free food in masses, and there was a mad atmosphere on the site. The police could not do much. She was too busy with cars and people for "drugs" to investigate and try by all means, more people from attending the festival to hold.
We should play as a fourth group in the evening at seven clock. Electricity supplied by the White Panters generator failed promptly to our presence. Three amplifiers were thereby "busting". Hawkwind Muscle and Magic featured backup equipment available. Meanwhile, about 5,000 people had gathered, and we could start (with official work permit for a prohibited Festival!).
It was something we had never dared to hope. The British hard-rock with a bit abgeschlafften people started dancing and clapping. In quiet places, they listened attentively. "Sarah" is no longer rode through the Black Forest but by the Windsor Park.
An audience that is unlikely to be opened and dedicated. It caused real dialogues between group and audience. It went so far that we were building something all together. Unlike most concerts in Germany, the English were much less "headphones", but rather a bunch angetörnter - pleased, even happy, not a totally slammed perfect program to get in front of the bib.
It was a pretty rocking and rolling atmosphere. The audience gave him no peace, and we had to play as the only group that evening encore. When we stopped, people came to us, and stormed embraced. Something honest and open, as we have in our region had never experienced.
We had achieved more than we had hoped for: Our music was very well received, Radio London played our CD, there were some good connections, and we have received invitations to further concerts.