2005-2010   Kraan 2011-2019

Kraan Diamonds
Kraan in Worpswede on 21.01.2011 (Photo: Axel Rademacher)
Click for larger version

Nordenham 25th March 2011 - photos by Jürgen Lange

Kraan 2011
Kraan Backstage 2011

Kraan Finkenbach 2011
Kraan at Finkenbach 2011 (poster)

Hellnæs Mølle, Denmark 27. august 2011

A very succesful double event: Siyou'n Hell + Kraan !

Kraan played in Denmark for the first time since 1990. That's 21 years ago. . .
At a small private festival in Denmark, approximately 90 punters including children, dogs, cats - and the swallows nesting under the roof in the barn were the concert took place.
Heavy rain, spectacular thunder, wind and a nice double rainbow coloured the event.
1000 Thanks to Siyou, Kraan & relatives who drove the long way from the south of Germany to Helnæs.
To those who wonders what it is you can see on the photos at the ceiling in the barn: It's Greenlandic kajaks - maybe good for the acoustics.
(All photos so far: Michael Bohn)

The fabulous four has arrived

Soundtest in the barn with nesting swallows, and in the front Peter W. relaxing after a long car drive.

First Siyou & Hell show, everybody singing along.

Then Kraan blasting the place:
Come again - please !
Hellmut Hattler
Hellmut preparing the voyage to Denmark in style. Photo: Damian Léman

Backstage in Worpswede

Hellmut Hattler
Hellmut Hattler with vinyls

Kraans last concert in Neuß 09.11.13
Photos by Jozci Zey

Kraans Last gig

Kraans last gig 2013

Kraans last gig 2013

Kraans last gig 2013

Kraans last gig 2013

Kraans last gig 2013

Kraans last gig 2013

Kraans last gig 2013

The last setlist - photo by Martin Horn

Kraan last gig 2013 - the last setlist photo by Martin Horn

The the first und last Kraan-menu Click ! Photo: Axel Rademacher

A little nostalgia:
The barn where KRAAN’s „let it out“ album was recorded (Wintrup), was destroyed by a storm in 2008: http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos
and that’s how the place looks today: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?
Wintrup Barn

Wintrup barn 2014

2014 - Photo by Knoe AgentOrange.

Finkenbach festival with Kraan 2014

Christian Zeys photos in colour from Finkenbach 11-08-2018
